Good Times at the PNME!!
Word up. Yeah, so for those of you who weren't there, PNME this year was really good. I definitely had a good time, which is saying something. Never seen so many iPhones, never seen so many folks twittering--seriously, like mad. This whole world of twit-friends is all new to me. Thing is, I tried it. Great for the conference, maybe not so great for real life. If you're on there and/or want to try it, go to and then follow me. I'm "sethharwood"
Met some really cool and good folks at PNME and learning about some of the very coolest in other podcasts out there was definitely a highlight. I'm sure I'll add to this list as the day goes on, but for now, some of the great folks I met and shows I heard about are: Jeff Sass (no show), Brian Ibbott (Coverville), Mikel O.D. (Most People Are DJs), the good folks from Podcast User Magazine, Les Zaldor (Zaldor's World), C.C. Chapman (Accident Hash) who's clearly something of a podcasting hero, Dan Klass (The Bitterest Pill), Victor Cajiao (Typical Mac User) thanks for the ride, Victor, Elsie Escobar (Elsie's Yoga Class), Pistachio, Darusha Wehm (Beautiful Red), and a whole other series of folks, hosts, and others who I'll probably remember right after I post this and then I'll have to post again.
Needless to say, it was a business card frenzy and I gave out a ton of mine, as well as stickers (don't worry you can have some too if you email me your address), and all kindsa good will.
New thing is these little business cards called "Moo Cards." People were all excited about these, but all I did was manage to lose the ones I got. I met Evo Terra!! Yes, that's another guy I met! Evo finally. Wow. Good. And Mark Y. Nemcoff, who turned out to be one hell of a lot cooler than I'd have guessed from his podcasts (no offense, Mark), and even... the guys from Ask A Ninja!! I'm pretty sure I met the official ninja from the show, but you'll have to download episode 17 and listen to get that full story.
It was such a pleasure meeting you too Seth! totally cool man :)
I cannot wait to get to know your stuff!
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