Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Listmania! Want to get in on the action? (Al dispatch)

Hey yo, homies,
Al here.
A new way to plaster Jack Wakes Up the book all over the Amazon.com now is exists! Czech it: if you make the Listmania lists on Amazon.com and put JACK WAKES UP at the top, our cover will pop on the people's Amazon search screens all over this country, the US. And people will wonder: "What is this?" They will look at it and... they will maybe buy. So we try this. No? Yes. We try. Then they buy.

Here is telling how to make the Amazon Listmania Lists.
How to Make Listmania Lists on Amazon.com (Video below.)

This is good, no? Seem is easy. NOW, we give you the information.
Jack Wakes Up: what to put in your Listmania lists.

Harwood show us this video on how to make the lists.
Do you get me, brothers?
Are you with Al?


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