Thursday, March 13, 2008

More thanks-10,000 thanks!

Oh, we've got much to be thankful for this holiday season: Jack Wakes Up in print, all the Palms Mommas and Palms Daddies coming together to celebrate Palms Sunday right around the corner (less than 3 days now!!) and a full scale, massive Seth Harwood takeover of the internet, podosphere and even Siglerism for a few days! Damn, I mean the Jack Wakes Up PDF has been downloaded over 10,000 times now!
10,000 times! Wow! Thanks to Shua Mullikin for making the thing!
What's next? Nothing but everybody!
Here are more folks I want to thank profusely for helping me out and spreading my message this week:
Brian Ibbott: Under-Coverville, Mikel OD: Most People are DJs, Kevin from the First Person Show, George Smyth: The One-Minute How-to, J. Kingston Pierce at The Rap Sheet, Scott Sigler, Soccergirl, Declan Burke: Crime Always Pays, P.G. Holyfield: Murder at Avedon Hill, Anthony Neil Smith: Crimedog One, Cian MacMahon: View From the Quad
AND a big special thanks to all of you, the listeners, for all your support. YOU are Palms Nation!!


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