Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Yes!! Episode Six Out Now

Thanks again to Steve for the reviews over at Storyglossia blog and the readings on my stories. Let' hope we see more of that over there.

Episode Six is in the bag, the can, as they say. It's out on itunes and in the other new venues. Check it out.
I've recently found out that the ratings system (and therefor placement and advertising) at itunes is all based on how many people have subscribed to your podcast. And there's no way to find out how many you have. But for anyone who's reading this: find another way to subscribe, if you can. Let's "Jack" up those ratings now and get Jack Wakes Up some recognition!!

Beautiful day here in the Bay Area and the BoSox are in town. I'm holding a ticket for the 12:35 start in Oakland and couldn't be happier about it. Even Hadley is juked.


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